Supporters & Funders
A private 501(c)(3) charity, the Children’s Law Center of MA receives financial support from a variety of entities, including state funding sources, bar foundations, corporations, private foundations, and individual donors.
Our board and staff extends its heartfelt thanks to all who have given so generously over the years to our organization and the cause of equal justice for low-income and disabled children.
Among the CLCM’s corporate and foundation supporters:
Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation
Massachusetts Bar Foundation
United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley
Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation
Bank of America Philanthropic Management
Alice Willard Dorr Foundation
John W. Alden Trust
Gardiner Howland Shaw Foundation
Bay State Federal Savings Charitable Foundation
Boston Bar Foundation
MGB-Chelsea Community Health Center
Cabot Family Charitable Trust
Proskauer Rose LLP
McDermott Will & Emery
The Clowes Fund
Spinney-Mudge Grants Committee